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As the saying goes, you can't rush art... unless if you recorded it in a fastest time possible. Here's some time-lapse videos of my work, hope you like it

American Horror

It's them against the world of eldritch darkness and its strange cults. Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft, the forefathers of American horror.

Background music by:

Sailor moon Redraw Challenge

Challenge accept for the Sailor moon redraw challenge... And I'll draw our pretty guardian Usagi-chan in Disney's reboot Ducktales style form For those who didn't noticed in the 2017 Ducktales episode called "Astro B.O.Y.D." a cute dog character cosplayed as our moon guardian of justice, Sailor moon,


here's the link: So relax and I hope you enjoy my artwork... :)


Background musics: Sailor Moon - Theme Song (English) [HD]


Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon Opening FULL)


Theme Song | DuckTales | Disney XD

Lovecraft and Yogsothoth

This is my first poster for my Horror-fantasy web comic series featuring the two authors of American Horror: H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. This will be my first comic and I hope I'll get it right from start to finish! May you guys stay safe and have an awesome day!


For more videos relating to this comic:


And for the Background music:

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